CAS Scientific Patent Explorer™

CAS Scientific Patent Explorer 将开启您的创新之旅,为专利专业人士和科学家提供强大而直观的知识产权检索解决方案。

CAS Scientific Patent Explorer 将开启您的创新之旅,为专利专业人士和科学家提供强大而直观的知识产权检索解决方案。

Design Element 2

探索不断发展的 IP 领域

开启广阔的科学探索空间,涵盖 1.4 亿多条记录和 7500 多万种物质。


利用操作简便的检索工具进行现有技术和 FTO 检索,监测竞争对手和新市场,寻找新的合作机会,并发现空白领域。


在三维视图工具中展示并分析您的专利发现,并在研发和 IP 部门之间共享发现,以推动智能商业决策。


Abstract data wave and network

The rise of biologics: Emerging trends and opportunities

This white paper explores the upward growth of the biological drugs landscape. It also focuses on challenges faced in developing biologics and its impact on emerging markets.

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Carousel Workflow

Patent searching: Going beyond the basics to increase efficiency

Improve the efficiency of your patent search with five tips. Learn what you can do and how CAS can help with advanced tools and technology.

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Maximize opportunities with a patent landscape analysis

Uncover hidden trends and gain an edge in the market with a comprehensive patent landscape analysis process. To begin, invest in the right tools early.

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