
Drug Design and Synthesis Searching in CAS SciFinder (Presented in Chinese)

Date & Time

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

6:00am – 7:00am EDT



CAS SciFindern Webinar

CAS SciFindern, the most advanced science-aware relevance engine in the industry, leverages the largest curated source of scientific information in the world. The most comprehensive source from substances, chemical structures, and reactions to prior art search. Supporting early stage exploration from retrosynthetic planning to biosequence searching, CAS SciFindern accelerates breakthrough innovation by making unseen connections using hindsight, insight and foresight.



This Chinese language webinar will focus on cutting-edge research information in drug design, including SAR, structural modification, and optimization. Also, advances in synthetic chemistry (including CAS retrosynthesis) for drug design will be covered.

*Content and features/functionality may vary based upon product license.


Written By

Dr. Xiaoyan Cheng

Customer Success Specialist/ACSI China

Date & Time

Tuesday, September 13, 2022

6:00am – 7:00am EDT



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