STN Units System

The following provides complete information about the STN Units system. The STN Units system was developed to support the expression of Units information for search and retrieval within STN.

The STN Units system may also be used to express Units information within the Z39.50 protocol.

Introduction to STN Units System

The STN Units system was developed to support the expression of Units information for search and retrieval within STN.

The STN Units system is organized in a set of tables, corresponding to Unit Types. Within each Unit Type, the supported Units are listed. For example, the table for Unit Type = Length contains various supported length units supported by STN, such as meter, angstrom, and fathom. Where appropriate, conversion factors between the STN Units system and the SI units system are included for each supported unit.

The STN Units system may also be used to express Units information within the Z39.50 protocol. Read more about Using STN Units within Z39.50 below.

Table of Conversion Factors

1. Conversion factors are taken from "Quantities, Units and Symbols in Physical Chemistry (IUPAC, 1988), "Conversion Tables of Units for Science & Engineering (Ari L. Horvath, Elsevier, 1986), and "CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics" or are calculated directly from these publications. In most cases, unit symbols are taken from the recommendations in ISO 2955- 1974 (E). For units that did not appear in this publication, symbols were taken from the IUPAC publication cited above.

2. Both abbreviations and the entire unit name may be used, except for multi-word units. Since spaces are not allowed in the unit symbols, multi-word unit terms do not make a lot of sense, and thus are only represented by abbreviations.

3. The units conversion procedure will remove a terminal "s" from a unit designation if no designation with the appended "s" can be found. Thus plurals of unit designations need to be added to the conversion table only in those cases where the plural form is not created merely by adding an "s" to the singular form.


Using STN Units within Z39.50

Z39.50 is an American National Standard that specifies an interoperable protocol and services for information search and retrieval. The Z39.50 protocol specifies formats and procedures governing the exchange of messages between a client and server, enabling the client to request that the server search databases for information that meets specified criteria, and to retrieve some or all of the identified information.  

Within the Z39.50 protocol, units of measure are expressed using the following ASN.1 definition for Unit and IntUnit:

 Unit ::= SEQUENCE{
 unitSystem [1] InternationalString OPTIONAL,
 unitType [2] StringOrNumeric OPTIONAL,
 unit [3] StringOrNumeric OPTIONAL,

IntUnit is simply an integer value together with a unit, and is defined as:

 IntUnit ::= SEQUENCE{
 unitUsed [2] IMPLICIT Unit}

In the above definition:

 Unit System provides the context for the unit type and unit.
 Systems in common use in the scientific and technical communities
 include SI, MKS, CGS, FPS, ENG, and STN. In addition to existing
 standard unit systems, the unit system 'z3950' will be used to
 register those unit types/units needed by implementors and not
 defined by other known systems. Values of unit type and unit under
 the system 'z3950'will be maintained by the Z39.50 Maintenance

 Unit Type is, for example, 'Mass'.

 Unit is, for example, 'Kilograms' (when unit type is 'Mass').

 Scale Factor is an integer scale factor, base 10. For example, 9
 would mean that the actual value is the given value times 10 to the
 9th power.

When using STN Units within Z39.50, the following conventions will be followed:

 unitSystem = "STN"
 unitType = STN Unit Type (eg, "length")
 unit = STN unit (eg, "meter")

For further information on the Z39.50 standard, see the Z39.50 Maintenance Agency Home Page.


Unit Multipliers

Decimal multipliers for unit symbols are taken from the recommendations in ISO 2955-174 (E) and are listed below. Both the abbreviation and the complete name may be used. Decimal multipliers may be used with any unit symbol except for the symbols for temperature. Combinations of decimal multipliers and unit symbols that eliminate one or more of the vowels of each when combined are listed in the conversion table, e.g., micro + ohm = microhm.  

Multiplier Symbol            Factor by which the
                             unit is multiplied 

t, tera                      1E+12 = 10**12
g, giga                      1E+09 = 10**9
ma, mega                     1E+06 = 10**6
k, kilo                      1E+03 = 10**3
h, hecto                     1E+02 = 10**2
da, deca                     1E+01 = 10
d, deci                      1E-01 = 10**-1
c, centi                     1E-02 = 10**-2
m, milli                     1E-03 = 10**-3
u, micro                     1E-06 = 10**-6
n, nano                      1E-09 = 10**-9
p, pico                      1E-12 = 10**-12
f, femto                     1E-15 = 10**-15
a, atto                      1E-18 = 10**-18


Units Table

Notes about these tables:  

  • In the following table, unit symbols are often followed by the complete name of the unit in parentheses. The text in parentheses is not part of the abbreviation.
  • # after a conversion factor denotes a value that is accurate to +-5 in the rightmost digit.
  • (CRC) after a conversion factor denotes a value taken from the CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics.

Index to Unit Types:
Amount of substance
Computer terminology
Dynamic viscosity
Electric capacitance
Electric charge
Electric conductance
Electric current
Electric dipole moment
Electric potential
Electric quadrupole moment
Electric resistance
Entropy, heat capacity
Kinematic viscosity
Magnetic field strength
Magnetic flux density
Magnetic flux
Magnetomotive force
Molar entropy, molar heat capacity
Noise intensity
Plane angle
Solubility parameter



Unit = fathom (marine depth)
Corresponding SI Dimension = m
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1.8288

Unit = earthradius (geocentric distance)
Corresponding SI Dimension = m
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 6378140

Unit = solarradius (heliocentric distance)
Corresponding SI Dimension = m
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 6.962743E+08

Unit = earthradii (geocentric distance)
Corresponding SI Dimension = m
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 6378140

Unit = solarradii (heliocentric distance)
Corresponding SI Dimension = m
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 6.962743E+08

Unit = m (meter)
Corresponding SI Dimension = m
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = meter
Corresponding SI Dimension = m
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = metre
Corresponding SI Dimension = m
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = A (angstrom)
Corresponding SI Dimension = m
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1E-10

Unit = ang (angstrom)
Corresponding SI Dimension = m
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1E-10

Unit = angstrom
Corresponding SI Dimension = m
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1E-10

Unit = mu (micron)
Corresponding SI Dimension = m
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1E-06

Unit = E-03mm
Corresponding SI Dimension = m
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1E-06

Unit = micron
Corresponding SI Dimension = m
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1E-06

Unit = f (fermi)
Corresponding SI Dimension = m
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1E-15

Unit = fermi
Corresponding SI Dimension = m
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1E-15

Unit = in (inch)
Corresponding SI Dimension = m
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 0.0254

Unit = inch
Corresponding SI Dimension = m
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 0.0254

Unit = inches
Corresponding SI Dimension = m
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 0.0254

Unit = ft (feet)
Corresponding SI Dimension = m
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 0.3048

Unit = 4ft
Corresponding SI Dimension = m
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1.2192

Unit = foot
Corresponding SI Dimension = m
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 0.3048

Unit = feet
Corresponding SI Dimension = m
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 0.3048

Unit = yd (yard)
Corresponding SI Dimension = m
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 0.9144

Unit = yard
Corresponding SI Dimension = m
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 0.9144

Unit = mi (mile)
Corresponding SI Dimension = m
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1609.344

Unit = mile
Corresponding SI Dimension = m
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1609.344

Unit = mil
Corresponding SI Dimension = m
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 2.54E-05

Unit = AU (astronomical unit)
Corresponding SI Dimension = m
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1.49600E+11

Unit = pc (parsec)
Corresponding SI Dimension = m
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 3.08568E+16

Unit = parsec
Corresponding SI Dimension = m
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 3.08568E+16

Unit = ly (light year)
Corresponding SI Dimension = m
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 9.46053E+15


Unit = m**2
Corresponding SI Dimension = m**2
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = b (barn)
Corresponding SI Dimension = m**2
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1E-28

Unit = acre
Corresponding SI Dimension = m**2
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 4.04686E+03

Unit = ha (hectare)
Corresponding SI Dimension = m**2
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1E+4

Unit = barn
Corresponding SI Dimension = m**2
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1E-28

Unit = a (are)
Corresponding SI Dimension = m**2
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1E+02

Unit = are
Corresponding SI Dimension = m**2
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1E+02

Unit = hectare
Corresponding SI Dimension = m**2
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1E+04

Unit = cirmil (circular mil = area of a circle 1 mil in diameter)
Corresponding SI Dimension = m**2
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 5.0670748E-10 (CRC)

Unit = cirin (circular inch = area of a circle 1 in in diameter)
Corresponding SI Dimension = m**2
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 5.0670748E-04 (CRC)


Unit = m**3
Corresponding SI Dimension = m**3
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = L (liter)
Corresponding SI Dimension = m**3
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1E-03

Unit = liter
Corresponding SI Dimension = m**3
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1E-03

Unit = litre
Corresponding SI Dimension = m**3
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1E-03

Unit = lambda
Corresponding SI Dimension = m**3
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1E-09

Unit = liquidpint (US)
Corresponding SI Dimension = m**3
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 4.731765E-04

Unit = liqpt (US)
Corresponding SI Dimension = m**3
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 4.731765E-04

Unit = fluidounce (US)
Corresponding SI Dimension = m**3
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 2.9573516E-05

Unit = gal (US gallon)
Corresponding SI Dimension = m**3
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 3.78541E-03

Unit = gallUS
Corresponding SI Dimension = m**3
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 3.78541E-03

Unit = gallon (US gallon)
Corresponding SI Dimension = m**3
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 3.78541E-03

Unit = galUK (UK gallon)
Corresponding SI Dimension = m**3
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 4.54609E-03

Unit = gallonUK (UK gallon)
Corresponding SI Dimension = m**3
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 4.54609E-03

Unit = pt (US liquid pint)
Corresponding SI Dimension = m**3
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 4.7317625E-04

Unit = pint (US liquid pint)
Corresponding SI Dimension = m**3
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 4.7317625E-04

Unit = ptUK (UK liquid pint)
Corresponding SI Dimension = m**3
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 5.6826125E-04

Unit = pintUK
Corresponding SI Dimension = m**3
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 5.6826125E-04

Unit = floz (US fluid ounce)
Corresponding SI Dimension = m**3
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 2.9573516E-05

Unit = ozfl (US fluid ounce)
Corresponding SI Dimension = m**3
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 2.9573516E-05

Unit = flozUK (UK fluid ounce)
Corresponding SI Dimension = m**3
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 2.8413063E-05

Unit = ozflUK (UK fluid ounce)
Corresponding SI Dimension = m**3
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 2.8413063E-05

Unit = qt (US liquid quart)
Corresponding SI Dimension = m**3
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 9.46353E-04

Unit = quart
Corresponding SI Dimension = m**3
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 9.46353E-04

Unit = qtUK (UK liquid quart)
Corresponding SI Dimension = m**3
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1.1365225E-03

Unit = quartUK
Corresponding SI Dimension = m**3
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1.1365225E-03


Unit = kg (kilogram)
Corresponding SI Dimension = kg
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = kilogram
Corresponding SI Dimension = kg
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = lb (pound avoirdupois)
Corresponding SI Dimension = kg
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 0.45359237

Unit = pound
Corresponding SI Dimension = kg
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 0.45359237

Unit = oz (ounce avoirdupois)
Corresponding SI Dimension = kg
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 2.83495E-02 #

Unit = ounce
Corresponding SI Dimension = kg
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 2.83495E-03 #

Unit = g (gram)
Corresponding SI Dimension = kg
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1E-03

Unit = gram
Corresponding SI Dimension = kg
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1E-03

Unit = gr (grain)
Corresponding SI Dimension = kg
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 6.479891E-05

Unit = grain
Corresponding SI Dimension = kg
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 6.479891E-05

Unit = Da (dalton)
Corresponding SI Dimension = kg
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1.66054E-27 #

Unit = dalton
Corresponding SI Dimension = kg
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1.66054E-27 #

Unit = u (unified atomic mass unit)
Corresponding SI Dimension = kg
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1.66054E-27 #

Unit = amu
Corresponding SI Dimension = kg
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1.66054E-27 #

Unit = ton (2000 lb)
Corresponding SI Dimension = kg
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 9.0718474E+02 (CRC)

Unit = t (tonne, metric ton)
Corresponding SI Dimension = kg
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1E+03

Unit = metric ton
Corresponding SI Dimension = kg
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1E+03

Unit = kiloton
Corresponding SI Dimension = kg
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1E+06

Unit = short ton
Corresponding SI Dimension = kg
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 907.18474

Unit = tonne
Corresponding SI Dimension = kg
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1E+03

Unit = Msol (mean solar mass)
Corresponding SI Dimension = kg
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1.98E+30

Amount of substance

Unit = mol (mole)
Corresponding SI Dimension = mol
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = val (valar mass)
Corresponding SI Dimension = val
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = mole
Corresponding SI Dimension = mol
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = gmole
Corresponding SI Dimension = mol
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = grammole
Corresponding SI Dimension = mol
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = poundmole
Corresponding SI Dimension = mol
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 453.59237

Unit = lbmol
Corresponding SI Dimension = mol
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 453.59237

Unit = lbmole
Corresponding SI Dimension = mol
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 453.59237

Unit = molfrac
Corresponding SI Dimension = molfrac
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = molefrac
Corresponding SI Dimension = molfrac
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1


Unit = s (second)
Corresponding SI Dimension = s
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = sec (second)
Corresponding SI Dimension = s
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = second
Corresponding SI Dimension = s
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = min (minute)
Corresponding SI Dimension = s
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 60

Unit = minute
Corresponding SI Dimension = s
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 60

Unit = h (hour)
Corresponding SI Dimension = s
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 3.600E+03

Unit = hr (hour)
Corresponding SI Dimension = s
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 3.600E+03

Unit = hour
Corresponding SI Dimension = s
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 3.600E+03

Unit = d (day)
Corresponding SI Dimension = s
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 8.6400E+04

Unit = day
Corresponding SI Dimension = s
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 8.6400E+04

Unit = days
Corresponding SI Dimension = s
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 8.6400E+04

Unit = wk (week)
Corresponding SI Dimension = s
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 6.04800E+05

Unit = week
Corresponding SI Dimension = s
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 6.04800E+05

Unit = month
Corresponding SI Dimension = mo
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = mo
Corresponding SI Dimension = mo
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = a (mean solar year)
Corresponding SI Dimension = s
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 3.1556926E+07

Unit = yr (mean solar year)
Corresponding SI Dimension = s
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 3.1556926E+07

Unit = year (calendar)
Corresponding SI Dimension = s
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 3.1536E+07

Unit = Sv (svedberg)
Corresponding SI Dimension = s
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1E-13

Unit = svedberg
Corresponding SI Dimension = s
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1E-13


Unit = m/s**2
Corresponding SI Dimension = m/s**2
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = Gal (galileo)
Corresponding SI Dimension = m/s**2
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1E-02

Unit = galileo
Corresponding SI Dimension = m/s**2
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1E-02

Unit = g (standard acceleration of free fall)
Corresponding SI Dimension = m/s**2
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 9.80665

Unit = mph/s
Corresponding SI Dimension = m/s**2
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 0.447037222

Unit = mph/sec
Corresponding SI Dimension = m/s**2
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 0.447037222

Unit = mphps
Corresponding SI Dimension = m/s**2
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 0.447037222


Unit = m/s
Corresponding SI Dimension = m/s
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = mph
Corresponding SI Dimension = m/s
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 0.447037222

Unit = fps
Corresponding SI Dimension = m/s
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 0.3048

Unit = fpm
Corresponding SI Dimension = m/s
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 0.00508 (CRC)

Unit = ips
Corresponding SI Dimension = m/s
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 0.0254

Unit = kmps
Corresponding SI Dimension = m/s
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1E+03

Unit = %/s
Corresponding SI Dimension = %/s
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1


Unit = N (newton)
Corresponding SI Dimension = N
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = newton
Corresponding SI Dimension = N
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = kg*m/s**2
Corresponding SI Dimension = N
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = dyn (dyne)
Corresponding SI Dimension = N
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1E-05

Unit = dyne
Corresponding SI Dimension = N
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1E-05

Unit = kgf (killogram-force)
Corresponding SI Dimension = N
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 9.80665

Unit = kg (killogram-force)
Corresponding SI Dimension = N
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 9.80665

Unit = gf (gram-force)
Corresponding SI Dimension = N
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 9.80665E-03

Unit = g (gram-force)
Corresponding SI Dimension = N
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 9.80665E-03

Unit = lbf (pound-force)
Corresponding SI Dimension = N
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 4.448221677 (CRC)

Unit = lb (pound-force)
Corresponding SI Dimension = N
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 4.448221677 (CRC)

Unit = pdl (poundal)
Corresponding SI Dimension = N
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1.38255E-01 (CRC)

Unit = poundal
Corresponding SI Dimension = N
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1.38255E-01 (CRC)

Unit = kip (=1000 lbf)
Corresponding SI Dimension = N
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 4.448221677E+03


Unit = J (joule)
Corresponding SI Dimension = J
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = joule
Corresponding SI Dimension = J
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit N*m
Corresponding SI Dimension = J
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = kg*m**2/s**2
Corresponding SI Dimension = J
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = erg (erg)
Corresponding SI Dimension = J
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1E-07

Unit = Ry (rydberg)
Corresponding SI Dimension = J
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 2.1798741E-18 #

Unit = rydberg
Corresponding SI Dimension = J
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 2.1798741E-18 #

Unit = eV (electronvolt)
Corresponding SI Dimension = J
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1.60217733E-19 #

Unit = electronvolt
Corresponding SI Dimension = J
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1.60217733E-19 #

Unit = ITcal (calorie, international)
Corresponding SI Dimension = J
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 4.1868

Unit = cal (calorie, thermal)
Corresponding SI Dimension = J
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 4.184

Unit = calIT (calorie, international)
Corresponding SI Dimension = J
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 4.1868

Unit = Latm (liter atmosphere)
Corresponding SI Dimension = J
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 101.325

Unit = Btu (British thermal unit)
Corresponding SI Dimension = J
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1055.06

Unit = Whr (watt-hour, absolute)
Corresponding SI Dimension = J
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 3600

Unit = Wh (watt-hour, absolute)
Corresponding SI Dimension = J
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 3600

Unit = ftlbf
Corresponding SI Dimension = J
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1.35582 (CRC)

Unit = inlbf
Corresponding SI Dimension = J
Unit to SI Dimension Factor =0.112985

Unit = hp*h
Corresponding SI Dimension = J
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 2.68452E+06 (CRC)

Unit = hp*hr
Corresponding SI Dimension = J
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 2.68452E+06 (CRC)

Unit = hphr
Corresponding SI Dimension = J
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 2.68452E+06 (CRC)


Unit = Pa (pascal)
Corresponding SI Dimension = Pa
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = pascal
Corresponding SI Dimension = Pa
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = micropascal
Corresponding SI Dimension = Pa
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1E-06

Unit = MPa (=10**6 Pa)
Corresponding SI Dimension = Pa
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1E+06

Unit = milliPa (=10**-3 Pa)
Corresponding SI Dimension = Pa
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1E-03

Unit = N/m**2
Corresponding SI Dimension = Pa
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = kg/m*s**2
Corresponding SI Dimension = Pa
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = atm (standard atmosphere)
Corresponding SI Dimension = Pa
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1.01325E+05

Unit = atmosphere
Corresponding SI Dimension = Pa
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1.01325E+05

Unit = bar (bar)
Corresponding SI Dimension = Pa
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1E+05

Unit = Torr (torr)
Corresponding SI Dimension = Pa
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 133.322 #

Unit = Tor (torr)
Corresponding SI Dimension = Pa
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 133.322 #

Unit = mmHg (millimeter of Hg - conventional)
Corresponding SI Dimension = Pa
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 133.322 #

Unit = inHg (inches of Hg - conventional)
Corresponding SI Dimension = Pa
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 3386.39 (CRC)

Unit = mmH2O (millimeters of water - conventional)
Corresponding SI Dimension = Pa
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 9.80665

Unit = cmHg (centimeter of Hg - conventional)
Corresponding SI Dimension = Pa
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1333.22 #

Unit = psi (pounds force per square inch)
Corresponding SI Dimension = Pa
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 6.894757E+03 #

Unit = psia (pounds force per square inch, absolute)
Corresponding SI Dimension = Pa
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 6.894757E+03 #

Unit = psf (pounds force per square foot)
Corresponding SI Dimension = Pa
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 47.8803 (CRC)

Unit = lbf/in**2
Corresponding SI Dimension = Pa
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 6.894757E+03 #

Unit = ksi (10**3 pounds force per square inch)
Corresponding SI Dimension = Pa
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 6.894757E+06 #

Unit = E+03ksi (10**6 pounds force per square inch)
Corresponding SI Dimension = Pa
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 6.894757E+09 #

Unit = Msi (10**6 pounds force per square inch)
Corresponding SI Dimension = Pa
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 6.894757E+09 #


Unit = W (watt)
Corresponding SI Dimension = W
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = watt
Corresponding SI Dimension = W
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = kg*m**2/s**3
Corresponding SI Dimension = W
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = J/s
Corresponding SI Dimension = W
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = hp (horsepower, imperial)
Corresponding SI Dimension = W
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 745.7

Unit = horsepower
Corresponding SI Dimension = W
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 745.7

Unit = V*A
Corresponding SI Dimension = VA
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1
Unit to SI Scaling Factor = 0

Unit = VA
Corresponding SI Dimension = VA
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1
Unit to SI Scaling Factor = 0

Unit = voltampere
Corresponding SI Dimension = VA
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1
Unit to SI Scaling Factor = 0

Unit = V*Ar
Corresponding SI Dimension = VAr
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1
Unit to SI Scaling Factor = 0

Unit = VAr
Corresponding SI Dimension = VAr
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1
Unit to SI Scaling Factor = 0

Unit = var (voltampere reactive)
Corresponding SI Dimension = VAr
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1
Unit to SI Scaling Factor = 0

Dynamic viscosity

Unit = Pa*s
Corresponding SI Dimension = Pa*s
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = kg/m*s
Corresponding SI Dimension = Pa*s
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = P (poise)
Corresponding SI Dimension = Pa*s
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1E-01

Unit = Ps (poise)
Corresponding SI Dimension = Pa*s
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1E-01

Unit = poise
Corresponding SI Dimension = Pa*s
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1E-01

Unit = micropoise
Corresponding SI Dimension = Pa*s
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1E-07

Kinematic viscosity

Unit = m**2/s
Corresponding SI Dimension = m**2/s
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = St (stokes)
Corresponding SI Dimension = m**2/s
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1E-04

Unit = stokes
Corresponding SI Dimension = m**2/s
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1E-04


Unit = K (kelvin)
Corresponding SI Dimension = K
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = kelvin
Corresponding SI Dimension = K
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = degK
Corresponding SI Dimension = K
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = degC (degree Centigrade/Celsius)
Corresponding SI Dimension = K
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1
Unit to SI Dimension Scaling Factor = 273.15

Unit = Cel (degree Celsius)
Corresponding SI Dimension = K
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1
Unit to SI Dimension Scaling Factor = 273.15

Unit = Centigrade
Corresponding SI Dimension = K
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1
Unit to SI Dimension Scaling Factor = 273.15

Unit = Celsius
Corresponding SI Dimension = K
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1
Unit to SI Dimension Scaling Factor = 273.15

Unit = C (degree Centigrade/Celsius)
Corresponding SI Dimension = K
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1
Unit to SI Dimension Scaling Factor = 273.15

Unit = degF (degree Fahrenheit)
Corresponding SI Dimension = K
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 5/9
Unit to SI Dimension Scaling Factor = 255.372222

Unit = F (degree Fahrenheit)
Corresponding SI Dimension = K
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 5/9
Unit to SI Dimension Scaling Factor = 255.372222

Unit = Fahrenheit
Corresponding SI Dimension = K
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 5/9
Unit to SI Dimension Scaling Factor = 255.372222

Unit = degR (degree Rankine)
Corresponding SI Dimension = K
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 5/9

Unit = R (degree Rankine)
Corresponding SI Dimension = K
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 5/9

Unit = Rankine
Corresponding SI Dimension = K
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 5/9

Entropy, heat capacity

Unit = J/K
Corresponding SI Dimension = J/K
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = Cl (clausius)
Corresponding SI Dimension = J/K
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 4.184

Unit = clausius
Corresponding SI Dimension = J/K
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 4.184

Molar entropy, molar heat capacity

Unit = J/K*mol
Corresponding SI Dimension = J/K*mol
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = eu (entropy unit)
Corresponding SI Dimension = J/K*mol
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 4.184

Solubility parameter

Unit = cal**0.5/cm**1.5
Corresponding SI Dimension = J**0.5/m**1.5
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 2.0454828E+03

Unit = cal**0.5/m**1.5
Corresponding SI Dimension = J**0.5/m**1.5
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 2.0454828

Unit = H (hildebrand)
Corresponding SI Dimension = J**0.5/m**1.5
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 2.0454828E+03 (CRC)

Unit = hildebrand
Corresponding SI Dimension = J**0.5/m**1.5
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 2.0454828E+03

Plane angle

Unit = rad (radian)
Corresponding SI Dimension = rad
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = radian
Corresponding SI Dimension = rad
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = deg (degree)
Corresponding SI Dimension = rad
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1.7453293E-02 (CRC)

Unit = degree
Corresponding SI Dimension = rad
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1.7453293E-02 (CRC)

Unit = min (minute)
Corresponding SI Dimension = rad
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 2.9088821E-04 (CRC)

Unit = sec (second)
Corresponding SI Dimension = rad
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 4.8481368E-06 (CRC)

Electric current

Unit = A (ampere)
Corresponding SI Dimension = A
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = ampere
Corresponding SI Dimension = A
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = amp
Corresponding SI Dimension = A
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = abA (abampere)
Corresponding SI Dimension = A
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1E+01

Unit = abampere
Corresponding SI Dimension = A
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1E+01
Unit to SI Dimension Scaling Factor = 0

Unit = statA (statampere)
Corresponding SI Dimension = A
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 3.335635E-10

Unit = statampere
Corresponding SI Dimension = A
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 3.335635E-10

Unit = biot
Corresponding SI Dimension = A
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1E+1

Unit = Bi (biot)
Corresponding SI Dimension = A
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1E+1

Electric charge

Unit = C (coulomb)
Corresponding SI Dimension = C
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = coulomb
Corresponding SI Dimension = C
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = statC (statcoulomb)
Corresponding SI Dimension = C
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 3.335635E-10

Unit = statcoulomb
Corresponding SI Dimension = A
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 3.335635E-10

Unit = abC (abcoulomb)
Corresponding SI Dimension = A
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1E+01

Unit = abcoulomb
Corresponding SI Dimension = A
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1E+01

Unit = Fr (franklin)
Corresponding SI Dimension = C
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 3.335635E-10

Unit = franklin
Corresponding SI Dimension = A
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 3.335635E-10

Unit = A*s
Corresponding SI Dimension = C
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Electric potential

Unit = V (volt)
Corresponding SI Dimension = V
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = volt
Corresponding SI Dimension = V
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = statV (statvolt)
Corresponding SI Dimension = V
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 2.99793E+10

Unit = statvolt
Corresponding SI Dimension = V
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 2.99793E+10

Unit = abV (abvolt)
Corresponding SI Dimension = V
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1E-08

Unit = abvolt
Corresponding SI Dimension = V
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1E-08

Unit = J/A*s
Corresponding SI Dimension = V
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Electric resistance

Unit = ohm
Corresponding SI Dimension = ohm
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = kilohm
Corresponding SI Dimension = ohm
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1E+03

Unit = hectohm
Corresponding SI Dimension = ohm
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1E+02

Unit = microhm
Corresponding SI Dimension = ohm
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1E-06

Unit = nanohm
Corresponding SI Dimension = ohm
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1E-09

Unit = picohm
Corresponding SI Dimension = ohm
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1E-12

Unit = E+14ohm
Corresponding SI Dimension = ohm
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1E-14

Unit = statohm
Corresponding SI Dimension = ohm
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 8.987584E+11

Unit = abohm
Corresponding SI Dimension = ohm
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1E-09

Unit = V/A
Corresponding SI Dimension = ohm
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = m**2*kg/s**3*A**2
Corresponding SI Dimension = ohm
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Electric dipole moment

Unit C*m
Corresponding SI Dimension = C*m
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = D (debye)
Corresponding SI Dimension = C*m
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 3.33564E-30 #

Unit = debye
Corresponding SI Dimension = C*m
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 3.33564E-30 #

Electric quadrupole moment

Unit = C*m**2
Corresponding SI Dimension = C*m**2
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Electric capacitance

Unit = F (farad)
Corresponding SI Dimension = F
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = farad
Corresponding SI Dimension = F
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = abF (abfarad)
Corresponding SI Dimension = F
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1E+09

Unit = abfarad
Corresponding SI Dimension = F
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1E+09
Unit to SI Dimension Scaling Factor =

Unit = statF (statfarad)
Corresponding SI Dimension = F
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1.112646E-12

Unit = statfarad
Corresponding SI Dimension = F
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1.112646E-12

Unit = s**4*A**2/m**2*kg
Corresponding SI Dimension = F
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Electric conductance

Unit = S (siemens)
Corresponding SI Dimension = S
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = siemens
Corresponding SI Dimension = S
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = statS (statsiemens)
Corresponding SI Dimension = S
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1.112646E-12

Unit = statsiemens
Corresponding SI Dimension = S
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1.112646E-12

Unit = abS (absiemens)
Corresponding SI Dimension = S
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1E+09

Unit = absiemens
Corresponding SI Dimension = S
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1E+09

Unit = s**3*A**2/m**2*kg
Corresponding SI Dimension = F
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = ohm**-1
Corresponding SI Dimension = S
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = mho
Corresponding SI Dimension = S
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = statmho
Corresponding SI Dimension = S
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1.112646E-12

Unit = abmho
Corresponding SI Dimension = S
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1E+09


Unit = Hz (hertz)
Corresponding SI Dimension = Hz
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = hertz
Corresponding SI Dimension = Hz
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = s**-1
Corresponding SI Dimension = Hz
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = cps (cycles/s)
Corresponding SI Dimension = Hz
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = cycles/s
Corresponding SI Dimension = Hz
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Magnetic flax density

Unit = Wb/m**2
Corresponding SI Dimension = T
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = tesla
Corresponding SI Dimension = T
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = kg/A*s**2
Corresponding SI Dimension = T
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = gauss
Corresponding SI Dimension = T
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1E-04

Unit = G (gauss)
Corresponding SI Dimension = T
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1E-04

Unit = Mx/cm**2
Corresponding SI Dimension = T
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1E-04

Magnetic flux

Unit = Wb (weber)
Corresponding SI Dimension = Wb
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = weber
Corresponding SI Dimension = Wb
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = kg*m**2/A*s**2
Corresponding SI Dimension = Wb
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = Mx (maxwell)
Corresponding SI Dimension = Wb
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1E-08

Unit = maxwell
Corresponding SI Dimension = Wb
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1E-08

Magnetic field strength

Unit = oersted
Corresponding SI Dimension = A/m
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 79.577472

Unit = Oe
Corresponding SI Dimension = A/m
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 79.577472

Magnetomotive force

Unit = gilbert
Corresponding SI Dimension = A
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 0.79577472

Unit = Gb
Corresponding SI Dimension = A
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 0.79577472


Unit = kayser (reciprocal length)
Corresponding SI Dimension = m**-1
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1E-02

Unit = m**-1 (reciprocal length)
Corresponding SI Dimension = m**-1
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = 1/m (reciprocal length)
Corresponding SI Dimension = m**-1
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = ppm (parts/million)
Corresponding SI Dimension = ppm
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = ppb (parts/billion)
Corresponding SI Dimension = ppm
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1E+03

Unit = ppt (parts/thousand)
Corresponding SI Dimension = ppm
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1E-03

Unit = pph (parts/handred)
Corresponding SI Dimension = ppm
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1E-04

Unit = 1.0E-06lb/lb
Corresponding SI Dimension = kg/kg
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1E+06

Unit = 1.0E-06lb/ft**3
Corresponding SI Dimension = kg/m**3
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1.60185E+07

Unit = %
Corresponding SI Dimension = %
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = percent
Corresponding SI Dimension = %
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = wt%
Corresponding SI Dimension = %
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = vol%
Corresponding SI Dimension = vol%
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = cycles
Corresponding SI Dimension = cycles
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = 1000cycles
Corresponding SI Dimension = cycles
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1E+03

Unit = 1000 cycles
Corresponding SI Dimension = cycles
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1E+03

Unit = E+06cycles
Corresponding SI Dimension = cycles
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1E+06

Unit = arcs
Corresponding SI Dimension = arcs
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = cents
Corresponding SI Dimension = cents
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1
Unit to SI Dimension Scalling Factor = 0

Unit = %IACS
Corresponding SI DImension = 1/ohm*m
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 58

Unit = %IACSwt
Corresponding SI Dimension = 1/ohm*m
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 6.5242
Unit to SI Dimension Scaling Factor = 1

Unit = percentIACS
Corresponding SI DImension = 1/ohm*m
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 58

Unit = percentIACSwt
Corresponding SI Dimension = 1/ohm*m
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 6.5242
Unit to SI Dimension Scaling Factor = 1

Unit = 1/ohm*m
Corresponding SI Dimension = 1/ohm*m
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1
Unit to SI Dimension Scaling Factor = 1

Computer terminology

Unit = bit
Corresponding SI Dimension = bit
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = byte
Corresponding SI Dimension = byte
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = kbyte
Corresponding SI Dimension = byte
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1024

Unit = kb
Corresponding SI Dimension = byte
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1024

Unit = kilobyte
Corresponding SI Dimension = byte
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1024

Unit = Mbyte
Corresponding SI Dimension = byte
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1048576

Unit = Mb
Corresponding SI Dimension = byte
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1048576

Unit = megabyte
Corresponding SI Dimension = byte
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1048576

Unit = Gbyte
Corresponding SI Dimension = byte
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1073741824

Unit = Gb
Corresponding SI Dimension = byte
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1073741824

Unit = gigabyte
Corresponding SI Dimension = byte
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1073741824

Unit = ips
Corresponding SI Dimension = ips
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = i (instructions)
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = instructions
Corresponding SI Dimension = i
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = flops
Corresponding SI Dimension = flops
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = flo (floating point operations)
Corresponding SI Dimension = flo
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = pixel
Corresponding SI Dimension = pixel
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = cps (characters/second)
Corresponding SI Dimension = cps
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = c (characters)
Corresponding SI Dimension = c
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = characters
Corresponding SI Dimension = c
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Noise intensity

Unit = dB (decibel)
Corresponding SI Dimension = db
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = decibel
Corresponding SI Dimension = db
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = B (Bel)
Corresponding SI Dimension = db
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 10

Unit = Bel
Corresponding SI Dimension = db
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 10


Unit = Gy (gray)
Corresponding SI Dimension = J/kg
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = gray
Corresponding SI Dimension = J/kg
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = rad
Corresponding SI Dimension = J/kg
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1E-02

Unit = Sv (sievert)
Corresponding SI Dimension = Sv
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = sievert
Corresponding SI Dimension = Sv
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = rem
Corresponding SI Dimension = J/kg
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1E-02 #

Unit = Bq (becquerel)
Corresponding SI Dimension = Bq
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = becquerel
Corresponding SI Dimension = Bq
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 1

Unit = Ci (curie)
Corresponding SI Dimension = s**-1
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 3.7E+10

Unit = curie
Corresponding SI Dimension = s**-1
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 3.7E+10

Unit = R (Rontgen)
Corresponding SI Dimension = C/kg
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 2.58E-04

Unit = Rontgen
Corresponding SI Dimension = C/kg
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 2.58E-04

Unit = Roentgen
Corresponding SI Dimension = C/kg
Unit to SI Dimension Factor = 2.58E-04  

Using STN Units within Z39.50

The STN Units system was developed to support the expression of Units information for search and retrieval within STN. The STN Units system may also express Units information within the Z39.50 protocol.