Substance Searching

searching for substance details screen capture

Searching for substance details with CAS SciFinder

Perform a substance search and effectively navigate the results.
Searching references for substances with CAS SciFinder-n mockup

Searching references for substances with CAS SciFinder

Find references related to your substances of interest.
3- Drawing structures with CAS SciFinder-n mockup

Drawing structures with CAS SciFinder

Draw a basic structure using the CAS Draw tool.


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Introduction to structure searching with CAS SciFinder-n mockup

Introduction to structure searching with CAS SciFinder

Perform basic structure searches using a drawn structure.
Advanced structure searching with CAS SciFinderⁿ

Advanced structure searching with CAS SciFinder

Perform more complex structure searches by adding variability to a drawn structure.
Filtering substance and structure search results sets with CAS SciFinderⁿ

Filtering substance and structure search results sets with CAS SciFinder

Use filters in structure searches to narrow results achieved through drawn structure fragments.
7-Finding metal-containing substances with CAS SciFinder- mockup

Finding metal-containing substances with CAS SciFinder

Find substances containing metal, including compounds and alloys.
CAS SciFinder-n help documentation website mockup

CAS SciFinder help documentation

Search substances in CAS SciFinder.

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