Creative image of embryonic stem cells


ライフサイエンスで新たな発見をして成功を収めるには、完全で関連性の高いデータが不可欠です。 世界で最も信頼できる科学情報の情報源であるCAS コンテンツコレクション™ を利用し、疾患、標的、新規分子の関連性を詳しく掘り下げましょう。


We hope you’ve been enjoying the preview of CAS life sciences content and capabilities in CAS SciFinder®, which will end on June 1, 2024. These capabilities and many more are now available through the CAS BioFinder Discovery PlatformTM, which includes CAS BioFinder™, our newest solution to serve drug discovery scientists.

CAS Life Science flag

The CAS BioFinder Discovery Platform offers seamless integration with the capabilities you’ve seen in CAS SciFinder, such as sequence searches and bioactivity tables linked to reference documents and assay details. In addition, CAS BioFinder features embedded analytical and predictive models to help you explore the predicted behavior of novel molecules. The full platform also includes CAS APIs to directly access our human-curated bioactivity and biomarker data.

With this new platform, you can dive deeper to answer key drug discovery questions with the trusted, harmonized, and connected CAS content you depend on combined with analytical and predictive models directly accessible from your search results.

  • What scaffolds and molecules are associated with my disease of interest?
  • What molecules are known or likely to interact with my target of interest?
  • What targets are known or likely to interact with my molecules of interest?
  • What biomarkers are relevant to my disease of interest?
Learn more about the new CAS BioFinder Discovery Platform

CAS BioFinder(キャス・バイオファインダー™)

統合されたデータソースにアクセスして、ADME、バイオマーカー、構造的類似性などの関連性を見つけ、CAS SciFinder®のライフサイエンス機能も加わりました。

CAS BioFinderの詳細はこちら



CAS STNextの詳細はこちら




More about life science data

Nicole Stobart, Jeff Wilson, Ph.D., and Mark Schmidt


CASデータの専門家であるNicole Stobart氏、Jeff Wilson博士、Mark Schmidt氏が、ライフサイエンスデータを整理するための新しい権威構造を作成することの難しさと重要性について考察します。

Close up of invasive colon cancer cells


Jefferson Parker, Ph.D.( NullSet Informatics Solutions)が、配列解析の重要性、AI技術による改善の方法、未だ残っている重要な問題について語ります。