Resolving Patent Backlog at INPI

Steps being taken to reduce patent backlog at INPI. Presentation by Dr. Cláudio Vilar Furtado, President of INPI at the CAS Innovation Summit in Brazil, June 2019.

Maximizing Value of Information for Innovation

How access to information sparks innovation. Presentation by Gilles Georges at CAS Innovation Summit in Brazil, June 2019

Panel Discussion at CAS Innovation Summit

Panel discussion on industry and innovation in Brazil. CAS Innovation Summit in Brazil, June 2019

The Brazilian Chemical Industry

The Brazilian Chemical Industry. Presentation by Dr. Pedro Wongtschowski, Presidente do Conselho de Administração da Ultrapar. Recorded at CAS Innovation Summit - Brazil, June 2019.

SciFinder 합성 경로 설계 기능 개요

SciFinder retrosynthesis overview video with Korean captions

SciFinder 逆合成設計功能概述

SciFinder retrosynthesis overview video - traditional Chinese language captions.

SciFinder 逆合成设计功能概述

SciFinder retrosynthesis planning video overview- with Chinese captions.


SciFinder Retrosynthesis Overview, Video with Japanese captions

Visão geral da funcionalidade de planejamento de síntese do SciFinder

Reduza o tempo gasto com o planejamento de retrossíntese de horas para minutos com o SciFinder

CAS Drives Increase in R&D Productivity with Launch of Breakthrough Retrosynthesis Planner in SciFinder

CAS drives Increase in R&D productivity with launch of breakthrough Retrosynthesis Planner in SciFinder. This
unites advanced technology with CAS’s unmatched collection of chemical reaction data to increase efficiency of chemical synthesis planning.
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