
CAS STNext® E-Seminar: Ring System Data

16:00 CEST (10:00 a.m. EDT/4:00 p.m. CEST) 
Length: 60 minutes 

IP structure searches may have broad descriptions of cyclic systems where the elements, individual rings, or fusion types of rings in the ring system has too many options to be defined in a structure search. Learn how to use the Ring System Data elements in CAS REGISTRY®, specifically built to assist in defining rings using a unique set of search fields.

In this session for advanced searchers, we will look at a few of these impossible structures and how ring system data can help you keep the options open and still cover all the desired variations.


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Written By

Paul Peters

Director, Customer Success Specialists

Written By

Sarah Stokes

Senior Product Specialist, FIZ Karlsruhe

Sarah Stokes has been involved with the global STN organization since 2003. They have served as a librarian searcher for the US government, an applications specialist at CAS, a patent analyst at Landon IP, a regional manager and trainer for FIZ Karlsruhe, and now as a Senior Product Specialist focusing on Intellectual Property. Sarah’s academic background is in biochemistry and epidemiology.