April 12, 2022

AI-Powered Prior Art Analysis on CAS STNext

CAS has developed an AI-based prior art search technology, which is now available in CAS STNext®. This webinar will demonstrate use of these new tools, as well as a brief overview of the latest features in STNext.

CAS applies AI-driven approach in collaboration with INPI Brazil to transform patent examinations

CAS has completed a project with The National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI) of Brazil for an enhanced examination workflow solution for chemistry patent applications using a unique blend of technology, artificial intelligence, data, and expertise. The new solution reduced application examination times by up to 50%, and helped to reduce their multi-year application backlog.
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Introduction to Cheminformatics using CAS Common Chemistry

Request this lesson plan which can be used to introduce students to the field of cheminformatics.
Green bubbles in liquid

February 21, 2022

Foreseeing Product Trends with CAS Formulus​

In this webinar we will show how CAS Formulus may help you get ahead of competitors' formulations of future products. Find formulation common threads that create trends through food, pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, and agriculture.

World’s most trusted source for chemistry information, CAS, launches major biology expansion

The CAS SciFinder Discovery Platform redefines its role in drug discovery with the inclusion of unique biosequence data collection and capabilities.
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API for ELN/LIMS Integration

Optimize workflows, internal systems, and drug discovery with direct API access to data and insights from the CAS Content Collection. Learn more.

December 14, 2021

Get the best result: refining substance and reaction searches

This SciFinder webinar outlines best practices for making substance and reaction searches as effective as possible. See how to customize a search to give you the results you want, and then effectively work with your answer set. 

December 14, 2021

Get the best results: refining your reference searches

This SciFinder webinar covers best practices for making reference searches as effective as possible. See how to focus on text search results, and ways to work with your answers.

December 14, 2021

Green Chemistry: going green on Earth Day and beyond

This SciFinder webinar will demonstrate the comprehensive content and search capabilities in SciFinder that will make it your go-to solution for retrieving sustainable approaches related to your research topic. 

December 14, 2021

Search better: tips and tricks for structure and reaction searching in CAS SciFinder

This SciFinder webinar focuses on best practices for getting the most relevant results when searching for specific compound classes, like polymers, isotopes, and coordination compounds. 

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