CAS Scientific Solutions | CAS

CAS Solutions curate, connect, and analyze scientific knowledge to reveal unseen insights and relationships that accelerate your breakthroughs.

ChemZent® - Scientific Historical Insights

ChemZent® makes historical insights accessible to anyone researching chemistry.

CAS Chemical Compliance Index™

Enhance your global regulatory compliance coverage and mitigate risk with CAS Chemical Compliance Index.

Top Pharma Relies on SciFinder

Pharmaceutical research teams worldwide rely on SciFinder® to find answers that accelerate cures and improve lives. Here’s what they have said about the impact of SciFinder on drug discovery.

Future Leaders 2018 Gallery

Meet the 2018 CAS SciFinder Future Leaders!

Future Leaders Program

The CAS Future Leaders program supports the growth of science leadership among early-career scientists. Since 2010, the program has awarded Ph.D. students and postdoctoral scholars opportunities to learn leadership skills, engage in scientific discourse, and connect with peer scientists and innovators from around the world.
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