CAS STNext Basics - Selecting a File

CAS STNext video training module showing how to select the correct file or file cluster to search in.

CAS STNext - General Orientation

Video orientation to the CAS STNext user interface and general features such as Settings and Preferences.
avoid costly IP missteps

January 21, 2021

Avoiding Costly IP Missteps: Insights for high-quality due diligence searches

CAS SciFinder Webinar - Retrosynthesis Enhancements

Join us at this and upcoming webinars to learn more about CAS SciFinder. This webinar features an overview of recent enhancements to the retrosynthesis functionality for advanced reaction searching.

CAS SciFinder Webinar - Advanced Reference and Substance Searching

Join us at this and upcoming webinars to learn more about CAS SciFinder. This webinar features techniques for advanced reference and substance searching.

SciFinder Webinar - Biosequence Searching

Join us at this and upcoming webinars to learn more about SciFinder. This webinar features a look at new biosequence searching functionality in SciFinder.

SciFinder Webinar - New Visualizations

Join us at this and upcoming webinars to learn more about SciFinder. This webinar features a look at new visualizations features in SciFinder.

SciFinder Webinar - Back to Basics

Join us at this and upcoming webinars to learn more about SciFinder. This webinar shows tips and techniques for the basic search and answer set refine features in SciFinder.

SciFinder Webinar - Searching for Catalysts

Join us at this and upcoming webinars to learn more about SciFinder. This webinar features tips and techniques for searching catalyst information in SciFinder.
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