CAS Data

The CAS Content Collection is the largest human-curated scientific data collection in the world. It is the foundation of our entire solution catalog.
Inside a colored plastic bag

CAS References

The CAS Reference Collection aggregates and connects scientific knowledge from thousands of journals and other literature sources published globally in more than 50 languages

CAS Chemical Supplier Insights℠

CAS Chemical Supplier Insights lets you promote your chemical catalogs in CAS’s market-leading research solutions to reach chemists, biologists, and formulators.

CAS Formulations

CAS Formulations

Nomenclature and Registration Services

Get a new CAS Registry Number assigned by providing a substance name, chemical structure, process description, sequence, or other identifier, and our chemists will find or create a CAS Index Name or CAS Registry Number.

CAS Reactions

The CAS Reactions collection provides detailed and dependable data on more than 150 million single- and multi-step reactions, including yields and conditions.


CAS REGISTRY®, the CAS substance collection, is the premier source relied upon by scientists and regulators worldwide for accurate information on chemical substances.
Closeup of processor

CAS Formulus® - Formulation Database

This integrated workflow tool is built from a human-curated formulation database and helps formulation scientists create products that are safe and effective.
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