Coronavirus Variants of Concern thumbnail

July 6, 2021

Coronavirus Variants: The Delta Variant and the Future Impact of Viral Mutations

If you are fully vaccinated, should you be worried about the impact of COVID-19 variants? Read this blog and learn about effectiveness of vaccines on Coronavirus variants.

CAS Scientific Patent Explore - Patent Search and Analysis

CAS Scientific Patent Explorer™ offers a unique combination of patent content with world-renowned CAS chemical capabilities in one easy-to-use tool.

CAS Formulus FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for CAS Formulus.

CAS SciFinder - Scientific Journal Database

CAS SciFinder publishes scientific patent and journal literature across multiple disciplines and halves the time needed to perform literature reviews.
Optimizing AI for improved retrosynthesis predictions

May 28, 2021

Find a better route: Optimizing AI for more novel synthetic predictions

AI and machine learning models aid in retrosynthetic planning, but are limited by the training data they have seen. Read on to learn about ways to generate novel predictions by ensuring your data has the necessary diversity and quality to optimize key synthetic planning initiatives.

CAS SciFinder Webinar - Alerts and Post-search Processing

Join us at this and upcoming webinars to learn more about CAS SciFinder. This webinar features techniques for advanced reference and substance searching.

CAS SciFinder Webinar - Materials Science

Join us at this and upcoming webinars to learn more about CAS SciFinder. This webinar features techniques for searching materials science information.

CAS SciFinder Webinar - Moving from SciFinder to CAS SciFinder

Join us at this and upcoming webinars to learn more about CAS SciFinder. This webinar features tips for when you move from SciFinder to SciFinder.
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