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March 7, 2023

CAS SciFinder Discovery Platform: Wrap up Thesis and Prepare for Your Dissertation (Chinese)

Learn how to dig relevant data and collect information with CAS SciFinder Discovery Platform, for the structure, text writing and graphics making throughout your thesis, including introduction, methodology, result and analysis, outlook, etc. Use CAS SciFinder Discovery Platform to know your examiners’ research interest, find the link between your research journey with hers/his and predict the questions you might face and get prepared.

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March 7, 2023

CAS SciFinder Discovery Platform: Promote the Experiments (Chinese)

Introduction to synthetic reaction and analytical methods search options, overview of the CAS SciFinder retrosynthesis tool, techniques to narrow down reaction results and analytical methods. Q&A with demonstration.

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March 7, 2023

CAS SciFinder Discovery Platform: Topic-Selection and Literature Review (Chinese)

Learn how SFDP can support early-stage research, including initial literature review, novelty determination, learning research methods and techniques, topic selection and opening report. For review writing, use SFDP as a powerful tool to get overview of research hotspot, trend, advance and foreground.

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March 7, 2023

CAS SciFinder Discovery Platform: Explore Sequences (Chinese)

Comprehensive introduction for Sequence search methods in  CAS SciFinder Discovery  Platform, including best practice cases using BLAST, CDR, and Motif; skills for adjusting parameters for searching and filtering results.

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March 7, 2023

CAS SciFinder Discovery Platform: Explore Reactions (presented in Chinese)

Join us to learn about substance search tips in CAS SciFinder Discovery  Platform, review case studies in salt compounds, chiral compounds, functional materials, get substances via references and reactions; plus substance properties, regulatory information and spectrums search techniques; Q&A with demonstration.

STN IP Protection Suite Information Request

Contact CAS to learn more about the STN IP Protection Suite.
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March 1, 2023

CAS SciFinder Discovery Platform: Overview and Update (presented in Chinese)

Overview of CAS SciFinder Discovery Platform, especially the introduction of new content and feature, as well as the application in variety of scientific disciplines; Q&A with demonstration.

CAS SciFinder demo request form

Request a CAS SciFinder demo by filling out this contact form.

CAS SciFinder Live: What’s New and Upcoming

Join us as CAS SciFinder experts walk you through recent solution enhancements. We will go in-depth, so you will understand why the changes were made and the positive impact on your research efforts. Stick around until the end for a preview of some additional enhancements you can expect in the coming months.
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Five Often Overlooked IP Gaps That Can Derail Your Innovation Strategy

Download this CAS whitepaper and learn five often overlooked IP gaps that can hinder innovation strategy.
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