Thank you: Boosting purchasing power with a custom feedstock intelligence platform

Hoping to forecast price fluctuations, a large multinational consumer goods company embarked on a project to analyze its raw materials and extract additional value from the data.

Thank you: Knowledge graph-based approaches to drug repurposing

The COVID-19 pandemic created an urgent need for effective therapeutics, but the impact of the disease on multiple body systems complicated the search. Learn how CAS used a knowledge graph-based approach to manage, explore, and navigate the interactions and connections between disparate information to identify and rank promising drug candidates.

Thank you: Improved proprietary chemical management through custom inventory screening

Learn how CAS helped Servier reduce its chemical inventory by approximately 40%.
A screen capture of Formulus search

Searching for Formulations

Learn how to find detailed formulations and sort by formulation properties...

Thank you: Resolving CAS Registry Number Discrepancies in the Brazilian Chemical Industry

Explore how CAS SciFinder Discovery Platform helped a Brazilian company tackle regulatory challenges by resolving CAS Registry Number discrepancies, ensuring compliance, and enabling efficient chemical operations.

Thank you: Trends and strategies for effective IP search and analytics

The chemical industry is experiencing rapid growth and innovation, necessitating effective intellectual property (IP) search and analytics strategies to stay ahead of the competition and avoid the risk of duplication or misdirected investments.

Thank you: Predicting New Chemistry

In chemical synthesis planning applications, the goal is to generate sets of synthetic routes that are as diverse and accurate as possible. However, data-driven computational applications can only be as good as the underpinning data.

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